What is Far Infrared Therapy?

What is Far Infrared Therapy?

Infrared Therapy is a type of light humans can’t see with their eyes. The reason being is because “Far” (infrared) describes where the wave lengths fall on the light spectrum.

Sunshine produces a form of FIR (far infrared radiation), also know as a natural form of thermal therapy. We can capture this from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. This is why you feel better after laying in the sun.

Far infrared therapy allows you to experience the benefits from the sun without the possibility of being exposed to harmful ultraviolet rays.

Far infrared heat deeply penetrates 1 1/2 inches into you body, where you absorb 93% of the waves. It is considered safe and effective for humans to use and it is even used in baby incubators.

There are many different far infrared devices, but it is universally agreed upon that the most effective way to receive far infrared therapy is from a far infrared mat.

What are the Benefits of Far Infrared Therapy?

PEMF Therapy Benefits


Using a far infrared device that has a heat retaining foil cover allows for your mat to temporarily act as a sauna. Inside the cover the FIR will heat the core temperature of your body causing you to sweat and burn calories in the same way you would with exercise. (Click the emoji for a PubMed Study)

PEMF Therapy Benefits

Decreased Back Pain

Back pain is the most common disability in North America. It is estimated that over 80% of the population lives with chronic back pain. Far Infrared waves are able to penetrate deep into hard to reach cells and tissues of the body. Using a far infrared mat for only one hour a day can significantly decrease frequency and intensity for people who suffer from back pain. (Click the emoji for a PubMed Study)

PEMF Therapy Benefits

Improve Blood Circulation

Far infrared stimulates blood flow/circulation by expanding capillaries. The thermal effect of far infrared therapy increases blood flow and vasodilation by penetrating deep and heating the tissue, thus improving overall circulation. (Click the emoji for a PubMed Study)

PEMF Therapy Benefits

Arthritis Relief

Far infrared therapy increases your bodies thermal temperature which leads to an increase in blood circulation. The far infrared waves are able to penetrate deeply into the skin (about 1.5 inches) getting too hard to reach pain points. This increases joint functionality and decreases overall pain. (Click the emoji for a PubMed Study)

PEMF Therapy Benefits

Promotes Detoxification

As a result of far infrared waves penetrating heat deeply into the body, it effectively stimulates metabolic activity. This triggers a release of stood toxins through sweat, as well as through the liver and kidneys.(Click the emoji for a PubMed Study)

PEMF Therapy Benefits

Decrease in Diabetes Symptoms

Far Infrared therapy deeply penetrates into your skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments increasing overall blood circulation. This results in reduced pain and swelling. Which is a common side effect of type 1 and 2 diabetes.(Click the emoji for a PubMed Study)

PEMF Therapy Benefits

Increases Speed of Recovery

Far infrared waves enhance blood flow to the injury site, stimulate fibroblast proliferation (tissue repair), and collagen fibre generation. As a result, your cells are stimulated to repair and oxidative stress is reduced so that your cells can focus all it’s energy on repairing itself. (Click the emoji for a PubMed Study)

PEMF Therapy Benefits

Boosts Immunity

There are various ways that far infrared therapy helps boost your immunity. The heat from the waves stimulate the production of white blood cells that help fight off infections. Additionally, FIR improves blood circulation and cellular regeneration. Moreover, FIR encourages sweating that allows your body to secrete harmful toxins and promote detoxification. (Click the emoji for a PubMed Study)

PEMF Therapy Benefits

Helps with MS Symptoms

Far Infrared therapy has proven to improve the autonomic functions of the nervous system, restore the functions of the endocrine system, strengthen the immune system, improve blood circulation and increase the level of oxygen in the cells and promote the regeneration of muscle cells, nerves and brain cells. (Click the emoji for a PubMed Study)

PEMF Therapy Benefits

Helps with Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disorder that over 4 millions Americans struggle with and is categorized by extreme fatigue that cannot be explained by an under lying medical condition. Patients who experienced far infrared therapy saw a significant decrease in symptoms such as: insomnia, head aches, fatigue, muscle/joint pain, anxiety and an increase in overall mood. (Click the emoji for a PubMed Study)

PEMF Therapy Benefits

Decrease Inflammation

Poor blood circulation plays a key role when dealing with inflammation. Since far infrared waves are able increase blood circulation thought the body it brings oxygen and nutrients to insured tissues to promote healing and decrease inflammation. (Click the emoji for a PubMed Study)

PEMF Therapy Benefits

Improves Neurological Function

Emerging research has shown that far infrared therapy can be used as a natural and non-invasive way to treat traumatic brain injuries. Applying far infrared therapy increases cerebral blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain, as well as increases ATP (energy) production in the mitochondria of the cell. Moreover, patients who experience far infrared therapy experienced quicker reflexes, sharper memory and increase in moods. (Click the emoji for a PubMed Study)

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